School Sweet School!

School Sweet School!

To write this story, I researched a lot about different schools throughout the USA. Though I was intrigued by the different schedules and curriculums of all the school, I felt quite thankful for my school! Throughout the story, I included all that I learned and I hope you enjoy the story! Please comment if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you!

Sitting next to the shade of the windows in the corner of the room, my mind was far from learning the complex concepts of algebra. It was a bright day, and with the window slightly cracked open, I could tell that there was a gentle breeze. At the moment, I was resenting my school, and everything that had to do with it, for keeping the children inside on such a beautiful day, and I wished that I could go to some other school… anywhere in the world, as long as they didn’t teach kids algebra on perfect kite-flying days!

As I was staring outside, imagining all the possibilities of a day so glorious as today, I was completely unsuspecting of starting a mind-blowing adventure when I felt a something cold on my arm.  I snapped to attention, right in time to see a transparent white hand clasping tightly on my shoulder. I screamed, hoping to get my teacher’s attention, but she seemed completely oblivious, like she couldn’t even hear me! The hand pulled me close to the window, and yet the stronger I resisted, the hand seemed to grow stronger, till at last, I felt myself go cleanly through the window ito some magic tunnel. The tunnel reflected an aura od color, rainbow, and a light so blinding that I had to shield my eyes, an yet simultaneously, the tunnel seemed too dark to describe in words. The tunnel twisted and turned, through most of which I slept in a dreamless slumber. When I finally woke up, the first thing I noticed was the warm , dry air that surrounded me.

I turned around, and one thing was clear for sure…I was definitely no where near the drafty algebra room were I had started my journey! I saw prickly cactuses, and the sun was high in the horizon, at its prime, and my hair was already beaded with sweat. I saw a tall building, and by squinting through the glaring sun, I could see a faint sign that read ” Phoenix BASIS  Charter School. A bit rustled by the heat, I decided to walk into the school. On a giant whiteboard, I saw curriculum for middle school – Human Geography, Introduction to Science, and Engineering & Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, and also a wide variety of math subjects such as algebra, geometry, number theory and more! By now, I had realized that I was for some reason invisible in Phoenix, so I didn’t hesitate to take a look around. I walked around the school until I found their Algebra Room. I peeked through their door, and listened to the class in actual interest. In 50 minutes, I heard the bell ring, and a torrent of students started coming out of the rooms. Class was over! I already missed my own school, and as I sat alone in the now empty classroom, and as I stared out the window, I felt that I didn’t care about all the perfect days missed in the Algebra room. All I honestly wanted was to get back to my school!

As these thoughts were going on, I felt a cold hand wrap around my shoulder. I looked at the cold hand, and recognized it as the transparent one that had taken me to Phoenix in the first place. I let the hand lead me into the magic tunnel again, and this time, I was much more relaxed. I expected to be at my school in no time. However, this time, I stopped early, in an empty classroom. Where was I? This wasn’t any part of school, was it? I didn’t know what to do, and I started pacing towards the door. Locked! I didn’t understand. I was shaking the  door handle almost in an aggressive manner, when I heard a whispery voice that made me jump! “Hello!”, came a voice. I spun around, face to face with a ghost. Here eyes were the only part that had cover, and they were a strange mesmerizing blue. “I am the Ghost of School… I make sure all students appreciate their school……. I heard you feel unthankful, so I took you to another school. it was a great school, but a bit different from yours. When you started wanting your school back. I hope you understand the importance of your school now?” I nodded, and she smiled. “Then it’s time you’re on your way, don’t you think?” She gently placed her hand on my shoulder, and steered my head towards the window, and I felt myself zoom into the tunnel again…


“Elena!”, I heard my teachers voice ring through the room. My eyes flew open, and I felt as if I had woken up from a dream. Something about a Ghost of School, and an adventure in Phoenix… I shook my head at myself, and laughed at my crazy thoughts. No way, those things weren’t possible! All I felt was an immense pleasure at being at school, and I couldn’t think of anything better!

So, that’s the end! If you would like to know anything more about the school I mentioned, BASIC Phoenix Charter school, or the middle school I go to, I have links to both of the sites! Remember, don’t forget to comment your views on the story! Thanks!

BASIS Phoenix Charter School

Gray Middle School

IndividualsCreative Commons License Kirt Edblom via Compfight

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